Wood Fired Zigzag Planter with Crystalline Channels

$120.00 / On Sale

This vessel was fired in the East Creek anagama, a 40' long kiln in Willamina, Oregon. This pot was unglazed on the exterior when it was put into the kiln; the surface colors and textures on this pot are created entirely by molten wood ash traveling through the kiln over the course of 5/6 days and nights, with phases of heating and cooling, which interacts with the clay body and creates the effects you see here. The kiln reach temperatures up to 2800 degrees fahrenheit. This is truly an alchemical process, a collaboration with nature which brings character and uniqueness to every piece. Each result is truly one-of-a-kind.

This piece was in the very front of the kiln, and got completely blasted with wood ash. I am obsessed with the turquoise crystalline channels of wood ash glaze running down this pot.

Approx. 4.5" H x 5" W